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Neediness and desperation, the most proven source of heart break.

He has been your crush, you admire everything about him.. His charming looks, masculinity, charisma, talents and sense of've always wished and fantasize to have him close to a point, you began to develop this urge and sudden quest within you to approach him by giving him the signal to woo you but you ignore the thought as that may bruise your ego and pride as a "woman"... Making you more vulnerable to hurt and heartbreak especially if the feelings were not mutual and reciprocated. You then decided to keep calm, and allow nature take its full course. While praying that your wishes comes to pass. Fortunately, your dreams became a reality, when he finally asked you didn't think twice before accepting his proposal, after all that was what you've been patiently waiting for. The relationship started, but you were still not satisfied... Because you don't just want to be in a relationship for the sake of being in were expectant of a blissful future with him as that was your sole aim of desiring him...but unfortunately, it wasn't moving well as you wanted. as he had never thought of that or included it in your discussions.... You finally summoned courage to ask him where the future was heading to. His responds indicated that there wouldn't be any future with you... But the truth was so difficult to became so desperate, always the one pushing the relationship... While he does nothing to compliment your effort... Your desperation turned into neediness..when he could no longer condone your nagging attitude.. He decided to take a walk... Listen young lady... It is he who finds a "wife" and not she who pursues a "man"..... Stop being clingy and acting desperate all because you want him to put a ring on that finger. Stop making it look as though he is doing you a favour by asking you out and desiring to spend the rest of his life with you... Live your life, upgrade your self, hold your dignity high, achieve your dreams in life and be an independent woman . I tell you, men will see having you beside them as an opportunity and not a "right". They will respect you and never take you for granted... Stop pressuring them to commit. If they don't want to commit, your pressures will amount to being a waste of time and energy.


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