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And so you've finally found your significant other after so many failed relationship and long periods of isolation from it. You have no doubt within you because their attitude rightly indicates that they are the right one. And so what next??? You can't wait to tie the knot with them, you can't wait to spend the rest of your life with them. emotionally and physically you are ready to settle down. but hey!!! Psychologically, you ain't too sure. You have some past baggage that keeps popping out the guilty conscience in you. You feel like hiding it from them, after all, everyone has a past. probably an ugly one. But unfortunately, your conscience keeps pricking you. Letting the cat out of the bag isn't a good option either, you are equally scared that it might pose the end of your lovely union. As some past seems to have a correlation with the future. At this point, you might be in dilemma and skeptical of which decision to make. However, you have to be careful in any decision you are about to make at this crucial time. As it might result to a disastrous effect in the future. Just as the saying goes,truth can never be hidden forever. There are some past and secrets which are not meant to be hidden. It could create a trust issues, in such that your partner would no longer trust, vouch or confide in you again. And you no what that implies!!! Your relationship/ marriage will be greatly affected by creating room for suspicion, insecurity, lack of trust and eventually its doom. A scenario is this, hiding a baby you had out of wedlock from your partner or lying to them about your virginity status....and when they finally finds out, they will ditch you not because of your offense, but because you hid the truth from them. Honesty and transparency is the best virtue, it helps you differentiate between the one who loves you on a condition and the one who truly loves you for who you really are. Embrace honesty, it doesn't matter what results out of it....what matters is the negative effect you are preventing in the future


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